While Silicon Valley obsesses over AI, a weight-loss drug is quietly becoming the biggest economic disruptor since the internet. Here's why your job, investments, and future depend on understanding it
The one person at my work who is taking GLP-1 is the laziest, stupidest person in my team who has absolutely no ability to control his emotions and is an absolute basket case. This seems like yet another overhyped fad with horrible consequences that we haven't yet started to see.
The guy I was referring to is not fat at all, just extremely vain and narcissistic. I am against over-medication, I don't have any hatred towards fatties.
Perhaps your argument has limited merit. Perhaps not. First, GLP 1’s were developed to control blood sugar in type 2 diabetics. Of the insulin resistant type 2’s less than half result from over-eating most are from other issues including genetics. Two there is no correlation between IQ and weight/ BMI. Find me the study. Third the article focuses on how disruptive the drugs are to consumption. It is true you can see that disruption in real consumer data—-point of sale data. However, the author misses the point of when a significant disruption occurs in behavior what is the learned response by those taking the drug in this instance or by those purchasing insurance for other things like their cars. Its called moral hazard. Once a person purchases insurance their behavior can change. That is the point, once on these drugs aggregate consumption of sugary drinks alcohol etc all decline. Overtime though it would appear the drug taker after achieving their desired weight starts to indulge to the point where weight loss stops. In essence a balance is struck between consumption glp1 use and weight loss. Few patients stop these drugs. So for me I presume moral hazard prevails.
That is interesting Russell. The sad part is I don't know if most people will care or understand the long term impact to muscle lose. Our society wants a quick fix pill to solve the problem. Hopefully people that are on it, understand the side effects and proceed with caution but I worry that will not happen. Appreciate the comment.
Studies demonstrate heart benefits for Ozempic, not deterioration. Ozempic has been around since 2011. Plenty of long term data. Second studies are demonstrating some benefit to those with potential degradation of cognitive function (I.e. Plaque related issues in the brain). Kidney and liver function improves as visceral fat declines. Hence benefit to those with secondary effects of higher than normal weight.
There's always going to be side effects, assuming the drug is given to sedentary people is the same effect seen if they are also put on a suitable cardio program?
Very interesting thought experiment. However, drug induced impulse control looks a bit too dystopian for my liking. There are some things that require the exercise of our human faculties, leading to personal growth and maturity. There are no easy ways out - well, no safe ones anyway.
Interesting article that stimulates a couple questions. I’ve never had trouble with impulse control, yet I’ve never been on these drugs. I’m certainly not the only one. Are your cumulative system wide economic impact estimates taking into account the % of the population that already has impulse control? And, additionally, what are the negative side effects of the drugs, and how will those play into the economic adjustments when millions of people are experiencing those?
So, hurrah for big pharma, eh? You know, those rotten companies, fronts for the US DOD, who were happy to put their names on, and profit from, the widespread distribution of all the poison vaccines, from those many they stab into newborns to the ‘Covid’ kill shots, every single one.
Those who allow themselves to be injected or drugged with any of pharma’s ‘medications’ will not be healthy. These ‘wellness clinics’ you write about that are supposedly replacing shops and casinos will cater to those who have been hoodwinked into making themselves very ill from these ‘medications’. As others have commented here, there is no easy fix for obesity or, for that matter, impulse control, and if you think there is a drug for these two things…well I have a ‘pandemic’ to sell you…The cabal that makes and controls ‘vaccines’ and pharmaceutical drugs wants everyone to be sick and impulsive- how else are they going to make billions. Sorry, but you are on the wrong track here. Industrial pharmaceuticals are not the answer to human nature.
Our food supply is riddled with chemicals, from field to plate. Maybe JFK will help clean that up.
These chemicals have myriad effects on our endocrine and other systems and are a likely suspect for a good bit of US’s weight loss problems. It’s not just impulse control. Anecdotally, my endocrinologist has seen patients thyroid function improve when they live in Europe. The Europeans use less and safer spray as well as additives and processing.
This article does not present a complete picture , and comes off as a plug for big Pharma.
Sorry to say, because it has been written in an apparently ernest posture.
I live in England and the people here are very over weight, too. My daughter lives in France and even there obesity is beginning to be a problem. I was very alarmed by this article - how can anyone have lived through the last five years and still imagine drugs and vaccines are the answer to good health? I read Sasha Latypova and she has convinced me that the biggest threat to health are those things we allow to be injected into our bodies. Next, health depends on what we put in our mouths, food, drink, tobacco, drugs….but vaccines….? Human and animal health would vastly improve world wide if all vaccines, every single one, were banned
No, I want them to live long and healthy lives, free of all the dreadful diseases that plague them now. Very, very few children died of any of the diseases that doctors vaccinate against, and those children who did die - very few - could have been saved by better medical care, better nutrition and sanitation.
I think you are right in that vaccines are the main problem. They may be the primary culprit that is causing obesity because they deregulate the endocrine system. My natural dentist thinks it is the amalgam fillings. It is a perfect storm obviously orchestrated.
No, I want them to live long and healthy lives, free of all the dreadful diseases that plague them now. Very, very few children died of any of the diseases that nowadays doctors vaccinate against, and those children who did die - very few - could have been saved by better nutrition and sanitation. Your comment is very silly in that it shows you have never looked into history, especially the history of vaccines. Do you simply believe what the television tells you? Read about how vaccines are made and what goes into them, if you do you will never allow yourself to be injected with such poison again. Start with a book called Dissolving Illusions; read Virus Mania. Think about the amount of money vaccines make - tens of injections given to a baby in the first year of life? How’s that working out for ordinary children? How’s it working out for extremely wealthy evil creatures like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci? Children are dying, yes, but not from measles and mumps - always quite harmless to children not already destroyed by extreme poverty. They are dying and being very badly harmed from the toxicity of vaccines.
Only someone who never lived in the era before vaccines were invented could believe and disseminate such utter rubbish. At least 3000 years of smallpox killing 30% of victims and scarring many more was ended by vaccines. We don't even vacinate against it any more. Then there's Polio...but what's the point, you're not going to respond to facts are you? And you, and any kids you have, will almost certainly get away with it....because the majority of us are still vaccinated.
If the hype is right, you're picking a shorter life span and potentially being denied traditional treatments. Why pay for your insulin if Ozempic can prevent you from getting diabetes?
But since you're already avoiding vaccines, you're probably good with the unhealthy choice.
I don’t take insulin because I’m not over weight - being fat is a major cause of type 2 diabetes and most chronic illness. Lifestyle changes such as low carb, high fat diets and taking more exercise is far, far better than subjecting yourself to experimental drugs. As for vaccines….well keep taking those boosters and flu shots, one in each arm, I’m sure the aluminium and mercury, the fetal tissue and the bits of monkey kidney will do you the world of good.
I don't think people on GLP-1 feel less enjoyment. Their focus just shifts from looking for the next sugar-high to more sustainable joys. They do not feel depraved of anything from what I have heard and read by people with first hand experience.
If the alternative to "buying live laugh love decor at target, Costco sprees and stanley cups" is "sugar high" ill take the sugar high. Though I prefer drinking beer and looking at the mountains
Fascinating read. GLP-1 so far is the pencillin discovery of our generation. It's crazy to have your identity tied up in the food your entire life and with one tiny shot a week, you instantly lose all desire to overeat, or even eat much at all.
The drug does that for rich people. It doesn’t do that for poor people because we were already spending little on food, entertainment and impulse purchases. Right now, it’s mostly rich people taking this drug. The effects you see for rich people can’t and won’t be true for the rest of us.
Trust me. I’m a person without much money who is taking one of these drugs. I haven’t changed what I spend at all. I was buying stuff like black beans, brown rice, cabbage, oatmeal etc before and it’s what I’m still buying and cooking now. I was rarely eating out then and am rarely eating out now. I was never blowing money on doordash then and I haven’t started now.
I swear, nobody seems to understand how poverty works or just how many Americans are broke.
How exactly do you see 30% of Americans using this drug leading to "companies like Google see[ing] their healthcare costs drop by $12,000 per employee annually"? The idea that being fat makes you automatically unhealthy had been thoroughly debunked, and in fact it's fatphobic stigma and medical neglect that leads to a lot of negative health outcomes for fat people. If everyone lost 15% of their body weight using this drug, we'd still have all our other health issues, not to mention the as yet unknown long term side effects of this so called miracle diet drug.
This all sounds, well, sound but have you thought about the population of aging Boomers as drivers of the moment? Also, behavior changes across society seems a leap toward what we are already seeing from social media business models and Skinneresque dreams returning to vogue.
I remember a story about Oreo cookies in China. Nabisco, in order to gain market share, had to create a recipe with much less sugar and reduce the size and cost of packaging.
Thanks for this analysis! A truly healthy society would break a lot of banks. But I wonder if we are gaining some self-control or forfeiting it.
I take the drug and have lost 50 pounds. Nothing else has worked like this, ever. Certainly not just cutting sugar and eating well. I’ll continue using this drug. I’m far healthier now.
(It wasn't just the sugar by the way which seems to have done the trick for me. I am a woman of a certain age -- I've given up sugar a million times. It seems to be the salt.
And cutting out sugar and salt has not led to a 50lb weight loss.
It's lowered my BP and cut my hunger.
And the goal was to drop my BP which decided at the age of 60 to start rising.
The hunger thing was just an odd side effect.)
But if the drugs are working -- and by everything I've read they are working -- for heavens sake, let's use them.
Let's eat healthier. Let's get more exercise. Both of which are a lot easier once you lose the weight.
And if these drugs also cut out some of these other obsessive behaviors, how is that a bad thing?
It's easy for people to say it's just a matter of discipline.
It's not. Any more than you can cure depression or anxiety or schizophrenia with positive thinking.
Definitely not a matter of discipline. I was already eating beans, lentils, veggies, whole grains, etc. Just couldn’t take off an ounce even while eating well. I eat a slight bit less of vegetable soup or oatmeal or salad now. And I can eat that little bit less without feeling like I’m starving and being unable to think about anything else but my overwhelming hunger. There is no overwhelming hunger after finishing a small portion now, thank goodness.
I am sure that salt and sugar are premier suspects. Salt can loose its saltiness*, and sugar become less sweet of course. I am recently retired and returned to the farm as a hobby reminding me that all foods are not equal.
I’ve always followed a low-salt diet. My kids laugh at how little I add when cooking and add more. My labs showed my sodium was too low. Salt was never my problem. Cutting 100 percent of sugar never helped, either.
The problem with this piece is it's vastly overstating the efficacy of the drug's first order effects on impulse. Anecdotes for sure, but the folks I know on them were heavy drinkers who . . still drink heavily. The corresponding studies also don't support some revolution in impulse control from these drugs.
The one person at my work who is taking GLP-1 is the laziest, stupidest person in my team who has absolutely no ability to control his emotions and is an absolute basket case. This seems like yet another overhyped fad with horrible consequences that we haven't yet started to see.
Tell me you hate fat people without telling me you hate fat people.
The guy I was referring to is not fat at all, just extremely vain and narcissistic. I am against over-medication, I don't have any hatred towards fatties.
Your use of the pejorative description says otherwise.
Perhaps your argument has limited merit. Perhaps not. First, GLP 1’s were developed to control blood sugar in type 2 diabetics. Of the insulin resistant type 2’s less than half result from over-eating most are from other issues including genetics. Two there is no correlation between IQ and weight/ BMI. Find me the study. Third the article focuses on how disruptive the drugs are to consumption. It is true you can see that disruption in real consumer data—-point of sale data. However, the author misses the point of when a significant disruption occurs in behavior what is the learned response by those taking the drug in this instance or by those purchasing insurance for other things like their cars. Its called moral hazard. Once a person purchases insurance their behavior can change. That is the point, once on these drugs aggregate consumption of sugary drinks alcohol etc all decline. Overtime though it would appear the drug taker after achieving their desired weight starts to indulge to the point where weight loss stops. In essence a balance is struck between consumption glp1 use and weight loss. Few patients stop these drugs. So for me I presume moral hazard prevails.
It just came out that Ozempic weakness your heart muscles and 40% off weight lose is from skeletal & other muscle deterioration.
That is interesting Russell. The sad part is I don't know if most people will care or understand the long term impact to muscle lose. Our society wants a quick fix pill to solve the problem. Hopefully people that are on it, understand the side effects and proceed with caution but I worry that will not happen. Appreciate the comment.
Yes, this could be Vioxx all over again?
Or the gene-tampering Covid injection
Oh please.
Or Phen-fen
Please cite your sources, LOL.
Don't forget blindness too.
Studies demonstrate heart benefits for Ozempic, not deterioration. Ozempic has been around since 2011. Plenty of long term data. Second studies are demonstrating some benefit to those with potential degradation of cognitive function (I.e. Plaque related issues in the brain). Kidney and liver function improves as visceral fat declines. Hence benefit to those with secondary effects of higher than normal weight.
Many are going blind as well. The side effects coming out are horrendous and it’s still relatively new. Who knows how much worse it could be.
There's always going to be side effects, assuming the drug is given to sedentary people is the same effect seen if they are also put on a suitable cardio program?
Very interesting thought experiment. However, drug induced impulse control looks a bit too dystopian for my liking. There are some things that require the exercise of our human faculties, leading to personal growth and maturity. There are no easy ways out - well, no safe ones anyway.
Interesting article that stimulates a couple questions. I’ve never had trouble with impulse control, yet I’ve never been on these drugs. I’m certainly not the only one. Are your cumulative system wide economic impact estimates taking into account the % of the population that already has impulse control? And, additionally, what are the negative side effects of the drugs, and how will those play into the economic adjustments when millions of people are experiencing those?
So, hurrah for big pharma, eh? You know, those rotten companies, fronts for the US DOD, who were happy to put their names on, and profit from, the widespread distribution of all the poison vaccines, from those many they stab into newborns to the ‘Covid’ kill shots, every single one.
Those who allow themselves to be injected or drugged with any of pharma’s ‘medications’ will not be healthy. These ‘wellness clinics’ you write about that are supposedly replacing shops and casinos will cater to those who have been hoodwinked into making themselves very ill from these ‘medications’. As others have commented here, there is no easy fix for obesity or, for that matter, impulse control, and if you think there is a drug for these two things…well I have a ‘pandemic’ to sell you…The cabal that makes and controls ‘vaccines’ and pharmaceutical drugs wants everyone to be sick and impulsive- how else are they going to make billions. Sorry, but you are on the wrong track here. Industrial pharmaceuticals are not the answer to human nature.
Our food supply is riddled with chemicals, from field to plate. Maybe JFK will help clean that up.
These chemicals have myriad effects on our endocrine and other systems and are a likely suspect for a good bit of US’s weight loss problems. It’s not just impulse control. Anecdotally, my endocrinologist has seen patients thyroid function improve when they live in Europe. The Europeans use less and safer spray as well as additives and processing.
This article does not present a complete picture , and comes off as a plug for big Pharma.
Sorry to say, because it has been written in an apparently ernest posture.
Yes, the heroin addict with no medical experience is who you should trust.
He's a lawyer who makes his money by telling grieving families to let him sue companies.
I live in England and the people here are very over weight, too. My daughter lives in France and even there obesity is beginning to be a problem. I was very alarmed by this article - how can anyone have lived through the last five years and still imagine drugs and vaccines are the answer to good health? I read Sasha Latypova and she has convinced me that the biggest threat to health are those things we allow to be injected into our bodies. Next, health depends on what we put in our mouths, food, drink, tobacco, drugs….but vaccines….? Human and animal health would vastly improve world wide if all vaccines, every single one, were banned
So you want children to die?
No, I want them to live long and healthy lives, free of all the dreadful diseases that plague them now. Very, very few children died of any of the diseases that doctors vaccinate against, and those children who did die - very few - could have been saved by better medical care, better nutrition and sanitation.
"Very, very few children died of any of the diseases that doctors vaccinate against"
You have been lied to.
When the next small pox outbreak occurs we can all see the effects to unvaccinated individuals. Ie those born after 1979
I think you are right in that vaccines are the main problem. They may be the primary culprit that is causing obesity because they deregulate the endocrine system. My natural dentist thinks it is the amalgam fillings. It is a perfect storm obviously orchestrated.
You and your dentist are full of disinformation
No, I want them to live long and healthy lives, free of all the dreadful diseases that plague them now. Very, very few children died of any of the diseases that nowadays doctors vaccinate against, and those children who did die - very few - could have been saved by better nutrition and sanitation. Your comment is very silly in that it shows you have never looked into history, especially the history of vaccines. Do you simply believe what the television tells you? Read about how vaccines are made and what goes into them, if you do you will never allow yourself to be injected with such poison again. Start with a book called Dissolving Illusions; read Virus Mania. Think about the amount of money vaccines make - tens of injections given to a baby in the first year of life? How’s that working out for ordinary children? How’s it working out for extremely wealthy evil creatures like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci? Children are dying, yes, but not from measles and mumps - always quite harmless to children not already destroyed by extreme poverty. They are dying and being very badly harmed from the toxicity of vaccines.
In the 1950s, we averaged 500k cases a year and over 500 deaths ANNUALLY from kids getting measles in the US.
We had modern sanitation and clean drinking water in the 1950s.
500 may be a very small number to you but I'll bet it wasn't to their parents. Or their schoolmates.
Listen, Marion, I don't care if you don't vaccinate. But if you want to willfully push this nonsense, put your money where your mouth is.
Tell the NHS you won't ever need coverage for any disease which could have been prevented by a vaccine.
Only someone who never lived in the era before vaccines were invented could believe and disseminate such utter rubbish. At least 3000 years of smallpox killing 30% of victims and scarring many more was ended by vaccines. We don't even vacinate against it any more. Then there's Polio...but what's the point, you're not going to respond to facts are you? And you, and any kids you have, will almost certainly get away with it....because the majority of us are still vaccinated.
JFK fix something? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Did… did they reanimate him or something because he’s been dead since 1963
Don't take them then.
If the hype is right, you're picking a shorter life span and potentially being denied traditional treatments. Why pay for your insulin if Ozempic can prevent you from getting diabetes?
But since you're already avoiding vaccines, you're probably good with the unhealthy choice.
I don’t take insulin because I’m not over weight - being fat is a major cause of type 2 diabetes and most chronic illness. Lifestyle changes such as low carb, high fat diets and taking more exercise is far, far better than subjecting yourself to experimental drugs. As for vaccines….well keep taking those boosters and flu shots, one in each arm, I’m sure the aluminium and mercury, the fetal tissue and the bits of monkey kidney will do you the world of good.
Sorry, Marion, I did want to warn you about one thing.
You don't take insulin because you haven't been diagnosed with diabetes.
While being overweight and/or sedentary are major risk factors, they are not the only causes of Type II diabetes.
Please do not think you are safe from diabetes because you're skinny and active. Make sure you see a doctor annually and have regular blood work.
With any luck, you'll never get it. But if you do, getting diagnosed early can save you from serious damage.
I have a friend who is 5’7” and 150 lbs and has Type 2 diabetes, it just runs in his family.
I told a family friend he was either going to the ER or I was going to take him.
5'9" 175. Walked everywhere. Ate healthy.
But an open sore on his foot.
He lost the foot but they saved the leg.
That’s awful, but glad they saved the leg at least.
You know best.
19k people have died from the flu this season, including 86 kids.
450k have been hospitalized.
Of the kids who have died, earlier reports suggest 83% were unvaccinated.
And while the numbers are coming down, that may be a lag in reporting.
I'm healthy with no known risk factors.
I get vaccinated to reduce transmission and cut the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations.
Because I don't want to see even antivaxxers die from preventable diseases.
You do you.
Impulse control? Could you give a dose to your President?
Spreadsheet-americans about to suck the last drops of enjoyment we have left
I don't think people on GLP-1 feel less enjoyment. Their focus just shifts from looking for the next sugar-high to more sustainable joys. They do not feel depraved of anything from what I have heard and read by people with first hand experience.
If the alternative to "buying live laugh love decor at target, Costco sprees and stanley cups" is "sugar high" ill take the sugar high. Though I prefer drinking beer and looking at the mountains
Fascinating read. GLP-1 so far is the pencillin discovery of our generation. It's crazy to have your identity tied up in the food your entire life and with one tiny shot a week, you instantly lose all desire to overeat, or even eat much at all.
No, you’re wrong. Let me explain it to you.
The drug does that for rich people. It doesn’t do that for poor people because we were already spending little on food, entertainment and impulse purchases. Right now, it’s mostly rich people taking this drug. The effects you see for rich people can’t and won’t be true for the rest of us.
Trust me. I’m a person without much money who is taking one of these drugs. I haven’t changed what I spend at all. I was buying stuff like black beans, brown rice, cabbage, oatmeal etc before and it’s what I’m still buying and cooking now. I was rarely eating out then and am rarely eating out now. I was never blowing money on doordash then and I haven’t started now.
I swear, nobody seems to understand how poverty works or just how many Americans are broke.
Edit: I wrote about it here: https://medium.com/minds-without-borders/how-i-lost-50-pounds-8702ecf0a74d
I noticed this on a smaller scale a couple of years ago.
I was working in pharmacy when statins came out. I had it explained that grapefruit juice was contraindicated for those taking the drugs.
I love grapefruit juice. Over the years my consumption dropped.
Then 2 summers ago, I wanted to make a punch I used to make. I needed grapefruit juice. I couldn't find it. I went to several stores.
It used to be everywhere. More than one brand.
Now it's not.
I suspect that the increased use of statins and, I'm told, some birth control pills, have a lot to do with reduced grapefruit juice production.
I've since found some. One brand. One type.
Do GLP-1 drugs also reduce impulsive scrolling? Is there a change also coming for social media companies?
Very thorough analysis, enjoyed the read. Would love to see a part 2 on your thoughts on how founders and investors can ride the rising wave.
Thanks Amol. I will have to do some thinking for that but it would make a good part 2. Thanks for reading and the comment...
How exactly do you see 30% of Americans using this drug leading to "companies like Google see[ing] their healthcare costs drop by $12,000 per employee annually"? The idea that being fat makes you automatically unhealthy had been thoroughly debunked, and in fact it's fatphobic stigma and medical neglect that leads to a lot of negative health outcomes for fat people. If everyone lost 15% of their body weight using this drug, we'd still have all our other health issues, not to mention the as yet unknown long term side effects of this so called miracle diet drug.
This all sounds, well, sound but have you thought about the population of aging Boomers as drivers of the moment? Also, behavior changes across society seems a leap toward what we are already seeing from social media business models and Skinneresque dreams returning to vogue.
I remember a story about Oreo cookies in China. Nabisco, in order to gain market share, had to create a recipe with much less sugar and reduce the size and cost of packaging.
Thanks for this analysis! A truly healthy society would break a lot of banks. But I wonder if we are gaining some self-control or forfeiting it.
The question begs to be asked, “When, why and how did we loose our independent ability to regulate our own behaviour?”
I’d read that story.
This was an interesting article but creepy in that it lionizes a drug which restrains our lack of restraint.
I don't know but I'll tell you this.
I am not taking any of the drugs.
But I cut out salt and sugar from my diet to control my BP and I found my desire to snack disappeared. If I eat out and indulge it comes back.
But the longer I go without salt or sugar, the easier it is.
Weird but there it is.
I take the drug and have lost 50 pounds. Nothing else has worked like this, ever. Certainly not just cutting sugar and eating well. I’ll continue using this drug. I’m far healthier now.
That's great!
I'm in favor of the drugs. Just not for me.
(It wasn't just the sugar by the way which seems to have done the trick for me. I am a woman of a certain age -- I've given up sugar a million times. It seems to be the salt.
And cutting out sugar and salt has not led to a 50lb weight loss.
It's lowered my BP and cut my hunger.
And the goal was to drop my BP which decided at the age of 60 to start rising.
The hunger thing was just an odd side effect.)
But if the drugs are working -- and by everything I've read they are working -- for heavens sake, let's use them.
Let's eat healthier. Let's get more exercise. Both of which are a lot easier once you lose the weight.
And if these drugs also cut out some of these other obsessive behaviors, how is that a bad thing?
It's easy for people to say it's just a matter of discipline.
It's not. Any more than you can cure depression or anxiety or schizophrenia with positive thinking.
If it works, do it.
Definitely not a matter of discipline. I was already eating beans, lentils, veggies, whole grains, etc. Just couldn’t take off an ounce even while eating well. I eat a slight bit less of vegetable soup or oatmeal or salad now. And I can eat that little bit less without feeling like I’m starving and being unable to think about anything else but my overwhelming hunger. There is no overwhelming hunger after finishing a small portion now, thank goodness.
I am sure that salt and sugar are premier suspects. Salt can loose its saltiness*, and sugar become less sweet of course. I am recently retired and returned to the farm as a hobby reminding me that all foods are not equal.
I’ve always followed a low-salt diet. My kids laugh at how little I add when cooking and add more. My labs showed my sodium was too low. Salt was never my problem. Cutting 100 percent of sugar never helped, either.
The problem with this piece is it's vastly overstating the efficacy of the drug's first order effects on impulse. Anecdotes for sure, but the folks I know on them were heavy drinkers who . . still drink heavily. The corresponding studies also don't support some revolution in impulse control from these drugs.